söndag 25 mars 2012

Things I want to do.

This blog post probably wont be too long but I still wanted to write a bit.
As my boyfriend keeps remind me when I can't think of anything to write about here on my blog "A blog can be about ANY thing you want it to be about". Well I thought I'd go with that and tell you a bit about what I want to do.

First of all I really want to travel, to Japan, to China, around Asia, to New Zeeland, I want to see Kilimanjaro and my friends in the USA and climb the mountain to see Machupichu. Maybe it's a bit silly but I really enjoy travelling. Second I'd love to get a scuba license and swim with turtles and dolphins.

There's allot more things I really want to do in my life but the thing that I want the most is to be with my boyfriend and just be together at the same place. I love him so darn much and it's not fun to be apart but we have to at the moment because we live in different countries, but we also know that one day we'll be together everyday and that means the world to me:3

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